Tuesday, 1 January 2019
- Oleg Gavako said...
Hey Noah, how are you? Are you excited for this project?
9 April 2019 at 03:57
- Noah said...
I'm very wir, we have had a few stressfull weeks with a lot of big tests( in Germany we call them Klausuren), but now we are almost through and can start relaxing a bit.
I think this project will be a nice experiment to see if learning in such a way is a good method for me. So yeah, I'm a bit excited.
What about You ?
How was Your Week?
(Please note that I have a German autocorrection installed and some words might get changed without me noticing, so my apoligies for any mistakes or words that might sound Strange...) -
10 April 2019 at 07:50
- Oleg Gavako said...
I am fine, my week was relaxed for now at least, sorry that I haven't replied to your message before, I thought it would alarm me about any messages but apparently it doesn't do that.
As I said for now everything is relaxed but in two weeks the period with the final tests will start and will last until the end of June. In Israel we call them Bagrut exams which translates to maturity exams, does the Klausuren tests have a translation?
I am exited for this project as well, I was not engaged in a similar project in the past but I think this one will be affective and unusual. -
17 April 2019 at 13:05
- Noah said...
I thought so too, I'm sorry for the late reply...
IT doens't really have a translation, it ist a word integrated from latin where it means something like "cell" but that doesn't have much to do with the German wird.
How is the weather in Israel ? We are having quite strange weather here, including tempretures from 25°C down to 5 at some nights ... -
1 May 2019 at 08:07
- Oleg Gavako said...
The weather in the last days was strange in Israel too. It can reach 35 degrees on bad days but there are still light rains which is not typical for for this area, most of the times we have heavy rains (winter) or dry days with no rain at all (summer). But still I really like the summer and the hot days because we are very close to the sea which I like to go to, about every one in Haifa can reach to the beach in 15 minutes (and the furthest point from sea in Israel is about a hour I think).
7 May 2019 at 00:13